We at DUO Contradiction had an amazing one-day art festival and music festival at Teater Gilotin during the cold and strange time of  December 2021.
With music, performance, and an art exhibition, we wanted to celebrate the course of life in the strange time of the pandemic.

We exhibited works by our fantastic artists:
Sofia Tsinadze
Andro Zverev
Lennart Brorson
Pavel Lamkov
Ekaterina Sisfontes
Lovisa Hed
Masha Trotzky
Freddy Soto
Leijra Lauberg
Kolenka Rammi
AnnaLeena Prykäri
Jari Enqvist
and Andriana Jardin Mayr

In addition, we had a full evening of music and joy on stage.

DECEMBER 4, 2021

17:00 – 17:30 Rikard Borggård welcomes everyone with a DJ set.
17:45 – 18:00 Theater MaskArado performs.
18:20 – 19:50 DJ TR35 swings us into dance
20:00 – 20:30 Eugene Wolynsky with Karma Look Kabaré lets us dance and sing.
20:40 – 21:10 Jari Enqvist and Kolenka Rammi rock on.
21:20 – 22:00 Keeps DJ Masaya happy
22:10 – 23:00 we dance to Dj Nelly and mingle among art and life.
23:00 – 00:00 Dj Madame ZjuZju takes care of our joy, 

Video by Alex Gabelia