Edward Tarletski Norma Pospolita Zhu–Zhu (He/She), a Belarusian and Ukrainian artist and drag activist based in Stockholm, graduated as a photographer and a journalist at European Humanities University (Minsk)
Exhibitions :
Installation “In drag we trust”, Pomada gallery, January 8-19, 2014, Kyiv Ukraine
Installation and photo exhibition “ Tattoo or not tattoo”, Bunkermuz gallery, March 4-28,2015, Ternopil Ukraine
Photo exhibition “ Uman children”, Unan community culture gallery, June 1-10, 2015, Uman Ukraine
Installation “Stop IKEA supporting terror in Belarus”, Livets Fest, 2021, Stockholm
Exhibition ”Hantverk som räddar liv”, Armémuseum, May 15-29, 2022, Stockholm
Installation “The Camo Hope”, Ukrainian days, June 18, 2022, Stockholm
Installation “The Camo Hope”, Milk Shake Festival, July 29-31, Amsterdam
Installation “The Camo Hope”